
update to my pay complaint

I recently posted about my pushback at work against the paltry raise I got. You can find it in my post history, but basically I complained that raises never even match inflation so I'm doing more work for less money while the company pours billions into buybacks for shareholders. HR stumbled over their words about how the company doesn't look at inflation when determining raises. I finally got a second conversation about it. Basically I was told the company struggles to keep up with cost of living changes, and does it gradually, and they were keen to point out the company doesn't reduce wages when cost of living goes down. I held my tongue because I'm leaving, but I wanted to ask them if they could tell me how many times CoL has gone down in the past decade? The answer is once, very briefly in 2015, there was a…

I recently posted about my pushback at work against the paltry raise I got. You can find it in my post history, but basically I complained that raises never even match inflation so I'm doing more work for less money while the company pours billions into buybacks for shareholders. HR stumbled over their words about how the company doesn't look at inflation when determining raises.

I finally got a second conversation about it. Basically I was told the company struggles to keep up with cost of living changes, and does it gradually, and they were keen to point out the company doesn't reduce wages when cost of living goes down. I held my tongue because I'm leaving, but I wanted to ask them if they could tell me how many times CoL has gone down in the past decade? The answer is once, very briefly in 2015, there was a slight reduction in the spring time. Furthermore, if you are slowly trying to keep up with inflation, guess what? You're not keeping up with inflation because it never stops! Fuck, it's like they don't even listen to their own BS.

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