
Rejected, invited to interview for another position, and rejected again

I applied to a job a few months ago in a field that genuinely interests me. Poured my soul into that cover letter and did various online tests. Never got called to an interview and got an email that they had chosen a different candidate for the position. Whatever…went on with my life. A few weeks later the company contacted me wondering if i’d be interested in interviewing for a position very similar to the one i initially applied to. Sure i said. Prepared for the interview. Interview went well, they asked for references and seemed really positive. A week later they contacted me and said that the candidate they want is someone with an engineering degree (i have a bachelor’s degree in a different field and in the original job advertisement they wrote that all you need is a high school degree). So they’re gonna keep looking for that…

I applied to a job a few months ago in a field that genuinely interests me. Poured my soul into that cover letter and did various online tests. Never got called to an interview and got an email that they had chosen a different candidate for the position. Whatever…went on with my life. A few weeks later the company contacted me wondering if i’d be interested in interviewing for a position very similar to the one i initially applied to. Sure i said. Prepared for the interview. Interview went well, they asked for references and seemed really positive. A week later they contacted me and said that the candidate they want is someone with an engineering degree (i have a bachelor’s degree in a different field and in the original job advertisement they wrote that all you need is a high school degree). So they’re gonna keep looking for that perfect engineering candidate, and the job is basically in administration. I’m really upset because they wasted my time and got my hopes up. Why even call someone to an interview if you know beforehand that you want someone with a different degree?

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