
Hours cut after returning from maternity leave

So my sister just returned from maternity leave and her employers cut a full working day from what is usually a full time position. For whatever reason she had to undergo a medical procedure shortly after and needed to take a week off for surgery and recovery. Before returning to her job she gets a text from her boss saying that she should come in an hour later than her usually scheduled start time. Not only that her boss told her that she thinks she’s not ready to come back and now is wanting to cut an additional hour per day to her schedule. As most of you can imagine this has a huge financial impact. I feel like this is really wrong, is there anything she can do about this? Can she get partial unemployment? Any advice helps, thank you so much! (This is in Arizona btw)

So my sister just returned from maternity leave and her employers cut a full working day from what is usually a full time position. For whatever reason she had to undergo a medical procedure shortly after and needed to take a week off for surgery and recovery. Before returning to her job she gets a text from her boss saying that she should come in an hour later than her usually scheduled start time. Not only that her boss told her that she thinks she’s not ready to come back and now is wanting to cut an additional hour per day to her schedule. As most of you can imagine this has a huge financial impact. I feel like this is really wrong, is there anything she can do about this? Can she get partial unemployment? Any advice helps, thank you so much!
(This is in Arizona btw)

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