
I wanted to thank this subreddit for making me more thoughtful about all of the ways I subconsciously perpetuate a lot of the bullshit messaging that capitalism drives. For instance, how closely my identity is tied to what I do to make money…

Reading this subreddit has been eye-opening. I am making a conscious effort to longer link my own value and identity to my job. I have also decided that I will no longer ask people what they “do” when at a party or other social situation. Instead, I'll ask them about their interests. It's weird how much effort it takes sometimes to remind myself to do that, but the resulting conversations are almost ALWAYS more rewarding. I'm slowly getting more comfortable with sharing salary information. I've donated to some union stuff and I'm looking for more ways to cause good trouble. It's a slow process, but it's been fascinating because sometimes it really feels like deprogramming myself. I'm curious if anyone else has changed how they approach the world in general to be less capitalist-focused and more inclusive of your fellow human beings? Any other suggestions?

Reading this subreddit has been eye-opening. I am making a conscious effort to longer link my own value and identity to my job. I have also decided that I will no longer ask people what they “do” when at a party or other social situation. Instead, I'll ask them about their interests. It's weird how much effort it takes sometimes to remind myself to do that, but the resulting conversations are almost ALWAYS more rewarding. I'm slowly getting more comfortable with sharing salary information. I've donated to some union stuff and I'm looking for more ways to cause good trouble. It's a slow process, but it's been fascinating because sometimes it really feels like deprogramming myself.

I'm curious if anyone else has changed how they approach the world in general to be less capitalist-focused and more inclusive of your fellow human beings? Any other suggestions?

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