
Old Job Doesn’t Want to Pay Me

So I really don't know what to do for the most part in terms of how to get paid. I worked at this gas ran by sketchy ass people, I wasn't getting paid enough, I barely could bring myself to charge people $3 for a single bottle of water so I ended up just not showing up anymore. Payday goes by, I texted the lady who trained me and she asked me if I got my check in the mail, which I didn't so I try getting ahold of the lady who hired me(Kim) and nothing for a few days. I had to threaten turning them in for not paying me just to get a text back telling me I had to fill out a W4 before they could send me a check. I went in the next day filled it out and it took until earlier today for my…

So I really don't know what to do for the most part in terms of how to get paid. I worked at this gas ran by sketchy ass people, I wasn't getting paid enough, I barely could bring myself to charge people $3 for a single bottle of water so I ended up just not showing up anymore. Payday goes by, I texted the lady who trained me and she asked me if I got my check in the mail, which I didn't so I try getting ahold of the lady who hired me(Kim) and nothing for a few days. I had to threaten turning them in for not paying me just to get a text back telling me I had to fill out a W4 before they could send me a check. I went in the next day filled it out and it took until earlier today for my check to come into the mail. Once I got my check, I went to Walmart to cash it since my bank was closed. I hand the check to the cashier who then tells me that my name was spelled wrong missing a “T” in my last name but he was going to let it slide and then continues to follow through with cashing it to tell me that the check declines? Me not ever having that happen I had no clue why it would do that, the cashier told me to call a number on the receipt to see why it declined and it ended up saying that the social security number was not associated with my name. Once again I tried contacting Kim and nothing, so Me having -$3 in my account I'm pissed as fuck I go up to the gas station talked to the cashier on the clock and had him call Kim for me which she actually picked up. Long story short, the conversation I had with her she essentially told me that the check not going through is “on me” and never once said anything about how I was going to get paid and once I said that they were going to get reported she got real nasty with me and that's when I said “thank you bye”. I'm kinda lost at what to do at this point. I have another job currently but do need this check desperately what should I do and how?

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