
work from home and unions

First, I want to say that I'm not against working from home. Have done so for the last 3 years and its truely changed my call center from soul sucking to a inconvenience. That being said, one perspective that I never hear shared is how monitoring programs, key loggers, etc. Really put a damper on any union efforts. So much so that i really didnt think companies would go back to the office. The only example that is close to this I've seen is the recent news that Amazon has remove key words from their internam chat. I dont mind it at my current job as i dont think my job showed any signsof unionizing, they pay decent, and working from home has been nice. Just posting this as a food for thought. Any thoughts or opinions are welcome.

First, I want to say that I'm not against working from home. Have done so for the last 3 years and its truely changed my call center from soul sucking to a inconvenience.

That being said, one perspective that I never hear shared is how monitoring programs, key loggers, etc. Really put a damper on any union efforts. So much so that i really didnt think companies would go back to the office.

The only example that is close to this I've seen is the recent news that Amazon has remove key words from their internam chat.

I dont mind it at my current job as i dont think my job showed any signsof unionizing, they pay decent, and working from home has been nice.

Just posting this as a food for thought. Any thoughts or opinions are welcome.

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