
If a business can’t afford to pay a living wage, it shouldn’t exist

A business isn't just your own personal passion project. If you hire people, you are directly responsible for their quality of life. If you can't accept that responsibility, don't have a business. If people spend half of waking life making you money, they should be able to afford not compromising the other half. I have no sympathy for business owners who are being run out business by rational increases in the minimum wage. If they're so unable to ensure that the people who give their limited time on earth to them are fairly compensated, they can go join them in fairer compensation as workers themselves

A business isn't just your own personal passion project. If you hire people, you are directly responsible for their quality of life. If you can't accept that responsibility, don't have a business. If people spend half of waking life making you money, they should be able to afford not compromising the other half. I have no sympathy for business owners who are being run out business by rational increases in the minimum wage. If they're so unable to ensure that the people who give their limited time on earth to them are fairly compensated, they can go join them in fairer compensation as workers themselves

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