
What are they gonna do, fire us all?

Work in cruddy retail, but the pay is an ABSOLUTE joke. I already have something else lined up and am jumping ship. The place is such in disarray that there is no accountability for anything, because unlike other jobs, if they fire someone….there is no just stack of applicants waiting. As I said, the pay is a joke. I'm part of the truck crew, which seems to be the only job in store. Management dropped a bomb telling me that it takes a RIDICULOUS three no call/no shows IN A ROW, to get even a warning. I tested the theory awhile ago and straight no called no showed for the first time in my life. I went in the next day, and it was business as usual, not even a question. Today. Seems like every single member of the truck crew did this and I woke up to a mass…

Work in cruddy retail, but the pay is an ABSOLUTE joke. I already have something else lined up and am jumping ship. The place is such in disarray that there is no accountability for anything, because unlike other jobs, if they fire someone….there is no just stack of applicants waiting. As I said, the pay is a joke.

I'm part of the truck crew, which seems to be the only job in store. Management dropped a bomb telling me that it takes a RIDICULOUS three no call/no shows IN A ROW, to get even a warning.

I tested the theory awhile ago and straight no called no showed for the first time in my life. I went in the next day, and it was business as usual, not even a question.

Today. Seems like every single member of the truck crew did this and I woke up to a mass group chat of panic, worry and threats.

Seems as if NO ONE showed up for the hardest/lowest paying position…and it just warms my belly.

We didn't discuss doing this or anything, which makes it that much sweeter.

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