
I can’t work in social justice (or at all) because I’m malnourished.

My dream career is working on the United Nations 17 Global Goals. I can't work on these goals because the emotional labor of having policy meetings that seem to go nowhere and getting off zoom to be hit with the reality that I can't get food or doctors appointments or a safe place to stay and neither can my friends… it's too much. I'm good at networking and interviewing, and usually get the jobs I apply for. I've done multiple internships, but I can never stay in a job for long because I can't get my basic needs met- food, housing, healthcare. Today I found out I have a blood disorder. I saw it on my health account, haven't spoken with the doctor yet. But I know it's because of not enough food. It's been too many months of less than 2 meals a day. Social services are fucked. I…

My dream career is working on the United Nations 17 Global Goals. I can't work on these goals because the emotional labor of having policy meetings that seem to go nowhere and getting off zoom to be hit with the reality that I can't get food or doctors appointments or a safe place to stay and neither can my friends… it's too much.

I'm good at networking and interviewing, and usually get the jobs I apply for. I've done multiple internships, but I can never stay in a job for long because I can't get my basic needs met- food, housing, healthcare.

Today I found out I have a blood disorder. I saw it on my health account, haven't spoken with the doctor yet. But I know it's because of not enough food. It's been too many months of less than 2 meals a day.

Social services are fucked. I hate when people say we need more social services. Narcisists flock to charity jobs for an ego boost, micromanage to the point of preventing staff from working, drive away the good employees, and barely pay above minimum wage.

I can't get housing services from case mangers who are worried about getting evicted.

I can't get mental healthcare from suicidal doctors and health workers.

I can't get caregiving services from caregivers who take the job after getting denied disability benefits.

I can't get domestic violence services from social workers who are financially dependent on parents who sexually abused them.

Non-profits work the same way as for-profits. What makes the most money often isn't what's right. Using capitalism to try to solve issues created by capitalism will never solve injustice.

As Bryan Stevenson says:
“The opposite of poverty is not wealth, the opposite of poverty is justice.”

Fuck capitalism.

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