
Is it possible to ask for a (deserved) raise when the new salary would put you over your supervisor?

I'm in the nonprofit sector (small org ~30 employees) in a project management role. Been there 2.5 years now and getting paid well below market average for my position. I have stellar performance reviews and my boss loves me. Problem is, asking for what I deserve would mean I make more than my boss. My boss is also underpaid but I fear the conversation is a dead end even if I make all the valid points because she'll just say “how can an employee make more than his boss?” I get it but also is it really my fault that my boss is also underpaid? Why should that trickle down to me also being underpaid? I suppose I'm wondering if there is any validity to the argument of you cannot/should not make more than your boss.

I'm in the nonprofit sector (small org ~30 employees) in a project management role. Been there 2.5 years now and getting paid well below market average for my position. I have stellar performance reviews and my boss loves me. Problem is, asking for what I deserve would mean I make more than my boss. My boss is also underpaid but I fear the conversation is a dead end even if I make all the valid points because she'll just say “how can an employee make more than his boss?” I get it but also is it really my fault that my boss is also underpaid? Why should that trickle down to me also being underpaid? I suppose I'm wondering if there is any validity to the argument of you cannot/should not make more than your boss.

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