
Update: Wage negotiation Now I have gotten a reply from the manager that I will not get to keep my wage of 15 dollars and will have to move back down to the wage of 14 dollars. They said they would put me on the schedual for the times that I stated in the same message as I asked for the same wage as last time. This job would start in two and a halvs months time. I am considering staying on for now while being more active with my job applications. This is the best time period to find jobs where I live because we are a summer town. If I don't find something within two months I can still decide not to take it. Would love to hear feedback on my reasoning.

Now I have gotten a reply from the manager that I will not get to keep my wage of 15 dollars and will have to move back down to the wage of 14 dollars. They said they would put me on the schedual for the times that I stated in the same message as I asked for the same wage as last time. This job would start in two and a halvs months time.

I am considering staying on for now while being more active with my job applications. This is the best time period to find jobs where I live because we are a summer town. If I don't find something within two months I can still decide not to take it. Would love to hear feedback on my reasoning.

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