
Likelihood of being able to collect unemployment??

So a little background. I started this new job Feb 1st. I actually relocated for it. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, and was put on medication about four months ago. I have also been having some other health issues. I was hired with a verbal agreement that I would be in a 90 day probationary period. One day I went into work, went down to tie my shoes and noticed both my legs were HUGE. I showed this to my boss, and he asked if I wanted to go to the ER. I said yes, so I left for the rest of the day (I missed about 7 hours.) Turns out I had a reaction to the blood pressure meds, they switched them and gave me a 15 day supply of the new one. I then scheduled an appointment with a new primary care physician in my area…

So a little background. I started this new job Feb 1st. I actually relocated for it. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, and was put on medication about four months ago. I have also been having some other health issues.

I was hired with a verbal agreement that I would be in a 90 day probationary period. One day I went into work, went down to tie my shoes and noticed both my legs were HUGE. I showed this to my boss, and he asked if I wanted to go to the ER. I said yes, so I left for the rest of the day (I missed about 7 hours.) Turns out I had a reaction to the blood pressure meds, they switched them and gave me a 15 day supply of the new one.

I then scheduled an appointment with a new primary care physician in my area so I could renew that prescription and follow up. About two weeks later I had that appointment at 2pm. They requested all my medical records from my previous doctor then wanted to go over my CBCs and lab results. I had to sign a disclosure agreement when I went in. So she scheduled a new appointment a week later.

This day I left at 3:00.

Then, the nail in the coffin I guess. I got food poisoning that same week. I didn't go to the doctor for this, as that is an hour driving each way and I was not feeling well in the least bit.

They didn't ask for a note. It never got that far. I text my boss two hours before my shift was about to start, notifying him how I'll I was. He terminated me. Immediately.

So, my question. I live in Virginia. It is an “At Will” work state. I was on a 90 day probationary period. I have doctor's notes validating each absence minus the food poisoning. I worked from Feb 1st-March 30th. Is it likely I would qualify for unemployment? Never used it before.

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