
Interviewer didn’t show

Yesterday I was called for an interview at the place I work at. I applied for a different department. The manager for this department wanted to set up the interview. I am a single mom and my child is going to be on Easter break for the next week so I said I can’t do it this week and he was like I can do it today (yesterday). I was like okay. So interview scheduled at 1:30. I hurry up, get showered, dressed, etc and go to the interview. I am literally standing in front of his door when he calls me and says he forgot he had another commitment at 1:30 but it will be over at 2 and he sends me down to another department to interview with them first (I had also applied for that department but never heard anything back) so I go down to that…

Yesterday I was called for an interview at the place I work at. I applied for a different department. The manager for this department wanted to set up the interview. I am a single mom and my child is going to be on Easter break for the next week so I said I can’t do it this week and he was like I can do it today (yesterday). I was like okay. So interview scheduled at 1:30. I hurry up, get showered, dressed, etc and go to the interview. I am literally standing in front of his door when he calls me and says he forgot he had another commitment at 1:30 but it will be over at 2 and he sends me down to another department to interview with them first (I had also applied for that department but never heard anything back) so I go down to that department and I interview with their manager first. It went okay but she explains that they have concerns about not having enough time to train me. So that was discouraging. So 2p rolls around and I make my way back up to the other managers office. Mind you my child gets done with school at 2:50 and I have to pick her up. So I wait outside this managers office. It’s 2:15 and he still doesn’t show so I call him. He doesn’t pick up. 2:30, no answer. 3p I decide to leave to go get my kid. I sent him an email as well telling him if he wanted to reschedule I would. I’m honestly hurt that this person wasted my time and I feel like I was a joke. And this was at a place I already work for!

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