
Just got escorted off site

Hi guys, i'm an electrician, my industry is full of less than savory characters shall I say, anyway my supervisor at my last job where I put up his shit for a year, basically set me up to get sacked. I took this job working for a UK government agency is all I can say, had to commute there out of my own pocket which was costing me nearly £400 a month in fuel alone, spent 2 hours a day travelling not to mention the less than great pay, I felt so unappreciated. I also did another qualification on top of my current electrical qualifications to work in potentially explosive atmosphere and they didn't give me a payrise for taking on the extra responsibilities and hazards that the job entails and basically could give any less fucks about me. Basically my supervisors at work were incredibly incompetent electricians let alone…

Hi guys, i'm an electrician, my industry is full of less than savory characters shall I say, anyway my supervisor at my last job where I put up his shit for a year, basically set me up to get sacked. I took this job working for a UK government agency is all I can say, had to commute there out of my own pocket which was costing me nearly £400 a month in fuel alone, spent 2 hours a day travelling not to mention the less than great pay, I felt so unappreciated. I also did another qualification on top of my current electrical qualifications to work in potentially explosive atmosphere and they didn't give me a payrise for taking on the extra responsibilities and hazards that the job entails and basically could give any less fucks about me. Basically my supervisors at work were incredibly incompetent electricians let alone supervisors, I'd been looking for jobs for a while and had had job offers from other companies so I handed my notice in. One of them started writing down my start times as he thought I was coming in late every day during my notice period (I wasn't and If I did it was by 5minutes) and started going behind my back talking to the manager logging it, anyway after putting up with him being an arrogant, selfish, unhelpful dick for a year I just lost it at him, said i'd “fucking had enough” of him, he immediately went to the main manager and i got sacked on the spot, all this after doing loads of overtime for them, last minute emergency jobs, you name it, how bullshit is that.

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