
Fired for asking for a 50¢ raise after saving a division of the company on my 89th day as a temp.

In 2006 I was working for a temp agency. I got a job restoring compact disks. It paid me $12/hr, but they paid the agency $17 for my services. I worked in a hot warehouse in the desert, and I had 5-7 machines to work with. They were all the broken ones sent back by customers. So I had to maintain and repair them. From the physical side all the way down to programming. There was a backlog of 5000+discs, and we frequently got orders from libraries and video/game rental companies in the thousands. I kept up with all of it. I got every machine running, I repaired every disk in the facility. On my 88th day of my contract, I was given an offer. They wrote it down and said what a great asset I was. They offered me $12/hr. At the time, they required that I have health…

In 2006 I was working for a temp agency. I got a job restoring compact disks. It paid me $12/hr, but they paid the agency $17 for my services.

I worked in a hot warehouse in the desert, and I had 5-7 machines to work with. They were all the broken ones sent back by customers. So I had to maintain and repair them. From the physical side all the way down to programming. There was a backlog of 5000+discs, and we frequently got orders from libraries and video/game rental companies in the thousands. I kept up with all of it. I got every machine running, I repaired every disk in the facility.

On my 88th day of my contract, I was given an offer. They wrote it down and said what a great asset I was. They offered me $12/hr. At the time, they required that I have health insurance. IDK if that was a state law or company policy, but it was required. So I asked for 50 cents to compensate for their cheapest package.

Got a call from my recruiter cussing me out after my shift on the 89th day, telling me not to come back to this place, and to see him in the morning. When I got to the office he started to fire me from the temp agency. I let him say what they had said. They said I was lazy, and more interested in going on the internet that doing my job. What had really happened was I literally fixed every disc and every machine in my area, and was using the internet that day to take care of some personal family business. I was literally checking for amber alerts for my stepson, because my wife's ex was insane and threatened to do just that.

Zero days late, zero call offs, and finished both fucking jobs.

Anyway, I pulled out the letter written on day 88, that said I was a had earned top marks. That recruiter ate some shoe, and I politely quit.

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