
Got in yelled at by my boss for not wanting to ask our senior clients their voting status

By this I mean my boss wanted me and my coworkers to create a form call our clients and ask if they are registered to vote, if they had voted in the last election, and their political preference. He insisted we get this done ASAP as our the federal department who oversees us was asking for this information. I spoke to my friend who was a poll worker and asked if this was even legal to do to which she responded with NO. Fast forward to today boss calls a meeting and ask on the status of the list. I straight up tell him that what hes asking is against HIPPA and that it might even be illegal to do. He starts yelling asking why I am giving him so much resistance and to do what the department is asking for. He even goes as far as telling me to…

By this I mean my boss wanted me and my coworkers to create a form call our clients and ask if they are registered to vote, if they had voted in the last election, and their political preference. He insisted we get this done ASAP as our the federal department who oversees us was asking for this information. I spoke to my friend who was a poll worker and asked if this was even legal to do to which she responded with NO. Fast forward to today boss calls a meeting and ask on the status of the list. I straight up tell him that what hes asking is against HIPPA and that it might even be illegal to do. He starts yelling asking why I am giving him so much resistance and to do what the department is asking for. He even goes as far as telling me to ask my friend to call the department and ask why they want this information. I ask to see the copy of the email if he wants me to start calling anyone otherwise I am not doing anything. I get a copy of the email and read it over. The email is asking for us to inform the clients on their voting rights and help them register to vote if they would like to. Also to post on the company Facebook page a link to a website for more voting information. That's it, I read it twice trying to figure out how he came up with such a stupid task to do. Explain this to him “Oh okay then”. How has he made it this far? I am still in shock over how dumb he is. (Sorry if the post isn't clear this is my first post and I just needed to vent about this stupid situation)

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