
Working A Solo 12hr Shift and People Love To Compare Themselves To Me.

I work in a touristy T-Shirt shop here in Florida and there's only 3 people on staff (myself, my coworker, and my boss) and today I have to pull a double because my boss is out of town and my coworker has the day off so understandably I'm not thrilled. A lady came in and we chatted and I told her the situation and she responded “Oh I did your shifts for over 36 years” and it's insane cause like, lady, we're both victims of capitalism. You don't need to compare your hardships to mine to one up lmao. Like I'm just here until my graphic design supports me. Anyway, just a pet peeve. Not a fan of hardship comparison.

I work in a touristy T-Shirt shop here in Florida and there's only 3 people on staff (myself, my coworker, and my boss) and today I have to pull a double because my boss is out of town and my coworker has the day off so understandably I'm not thrilled. A lady came in and we chatted and I told her the situation and she responded “Oh I did your shifts for over 36 years” and it's insane cause like, lady, we're both victims of capitalism. You don't need to compare your hardships to mine to one up lmao. Like I'm just here until my graphic design supports me. Anyway, just a pet peeve. Not a fan of hardship comparison.

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