
manager got mad i called in

hi everyone, i was feeling bad today, just mentally drained and sad so i called in 5 hours before my shift, knowing that there was enough people to cover every area. when you call in you speak to any manager and when i got connected i said “i’m really sick i can’t come in today”. the manager proceeded to tell me that they are relying on me to be there, why would they hire people that don’t want to work and basically sighed and was waiting for me to say never mind i will come in. all i said back was “i won’t be a good worker in my condition, and i know we have enough people to cover tonight.” he said “well if you’re not testing positivity for covid you need to come in”, again i just said i won’t be any help tonight and i’ll be in for…

hi everyone, i was feeling bad today, just mentally drained and sad so i called in 5 hours before my shift, knowing that there was enough people to cover every area. when you call in you speak to any manager and when i got connected i said “i’m really sick i can’t come in today”. the manager proceeded to tell me that they are relying on me to be there, why would they hire people that don’t want to work and basically sighed and was waiting for me to say never mind i will come in. all i said back was “i won’t be a good worker in my condition, and i know we have enough people to cover tonight.” he said “well if you’re not testing positivity for covid you need to come in”, again i just said i won’t be any help tonight and i’ll be in for my next shift and he said k good enough and hung up the phone.

i’m only in my first month of work, and we are short staffed but a cashier called in yesterday because they “wanted the night off”. i feel worse now but i know they will be fine without me. so many newer cashiers also called in for a day or two really sick. i just don’t know why i got ridiculed at when people are doing the exact same. they also don’t call anyone in. when 5 people called in yesterday morning only one person was there from opening to 10 am.

now i feel worse,i’m scared i’m going to be fired and feel like i should just say never mind and just go in.

am i a bad person for this?

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