
A year at Johnstone Supply

This was sent to my work email contact list. Last day today. Hello Johnstone supply. I am fast approaching my year with your franchise. What a year it has been. As you know we are short staffed here in the @$& warehouse.   The forklift is not supposed to be operated outside but we are made to. The tires shred and have left me and Jay spitting up black dust and even blood. Your basement floods with stagnant water and reaks of ammonia. All l these issues have been made aware with 0 positive results.  With all the record sales we were making, we were told that we can not afford a pallet jack and a dolly. IN A DISTRIBUTION WAREHOUSE. In our cramped warehouse we have to drag by hand stacked units 5 deep to access them. Unloading 20000 plus pound trucks by hand without a pallet jack. 50 feet…

This was sent to my work email contact list. Last day today.

Hello Johnstone supply. I am fast approaching my year with your franchise. What a year it has been. As you know we are short staffed here in the @$& warehouse.   The forklift is not supposed to be operated outside but we are made to. The tires shred and have left me and Jay spitting up black dust and even blood. Your basement floods with stagnant water and reaks of ammonia. All l these issues have been made aware with 0 positive results.  With all the record sales we were making, we were told that we can not afford a pallet jack and a dolly. IN A DISTRIBUTION WAREHOUSE. In our cramped warehouse we have to drag by hand stacked units 5 deep to access them. Unloading 20000 plus pound trucks by hand without a pallet jack. 50 feet deep dragging stacked units and taking them down by hand. Every day I went home with nothing left for myself after body breaking days for no reason other than rampant disgusting greed. Good jobs and back pats dont pay the bills or medical ones at that. That leads us into JohnsGIVING. What a event. What did Johnstone give us? Nothing. Instead they took our NU Calgon bonus money . Bought food for everyone to come down and eat on and even had the audacity to talk about making plates to bring home. Pretty American id say considering our history and the holiday. If that's not enough we were told we would have heat. Instead we worked the whole winter in freezing conditions. Come Christmas instead of a bonus to show all this appreciation we keep hearing about, the company is so out of touch you asked for money from employees to buy the owners presents in a time of extreme economic hardship for so many. Our raises came late and all so common under the rate of inflation. Couple all this with grosley incompetent management and a sales floor that follows by example I have 0 reason to remain with this company. To say the least I have never felt your appreciation. It's as if the premise of forcing smiles on employees who have to pretend to be happy have bred these generational sociopaths who truly believe they are welcomed and loved by those they employ. When you look around the streets of this impoverished, polluted nation and world for that matter.  Ask what happend. Why nobody wants to work or contribute to such a broken system.  You need only look in the mirror. I wish nothing but the worst for your company and your family.///// Last fucking day. Wish me well. Wish them hell.

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