
2 months ago my biggest boss shouted at me in front of everyone for something I was not responsible to do, now I am ready to leave them and I want it to hurt. I leave, they lose more than 40 clients.

Hello, I live and work in Japan, and my boss shouted at me early in morning for something I did not do because it is not my responsibility. It was responsibility of my elderly coworker who forgot about it. (Sorry for my awkward English, not first language, but understandable I think!) The thing is I discovered about a document that was about to be late by 1 day in filing to the government, so I did my best to do over time to finish it and pass it to my boss desk at night for him to review and approve. Note it is not my responsibility, but I did that work otherwise the client will be paying a huge fee. Anyway, when I came to work the following day, the boss started shouting at me in front of everyone because of how late I submitted it. I was so shocked.…

Hello, I live and work in Japan, and my boss shouted at me early in morning for something I did not do because it is not my responsibility. It was responsibility of my elderly coworker who forgot about it. (Sorry for my awkward English, not first language, but understandable I think!)

The thing is I discovered about a document that was about to be late by 1 day in filing to the government, so I did my best to do over time to finish it and pass it to my boss desk at night for him to review and approve. Note it is not my responsibility, but I did that work otherwise the client will be paying a huge fee.

Anyway, when I came to work the following day, the boss started shouting at me in front of everyone because of how late I submitted it. I was so shocked. I explained to him that it was not my client, not my responsibility, and I just did it because I saw it was going to be late. But the boss kept on shouting.

The coworker in charge of this was not around when it happened, but when he arrived and learned what happened, he apologized to me but did not explain to the boss. Other coworkers did not react at all.

I was crying entire day. I have seen him shout at other people, everyone actually and it was my first time. And it was his mistake because I did nothing wrong.

Anyway, because I handle ALL foreign clients (english speaking and spanish speaking clients, as well as some local clients), and I am the only one who speaks English and Spanish (although my Spanish is not that good, but understandable lol), I wanted to quit immediately but cannot because all the work will stop and it was a busy time for taxes.

But now I am on my way to work (update: i already arrivd) and already considering giving them 1 month notice which is in my contract. In case you did not know, very few people who work in my field speak multiple languages in Japan. And at the moment they can't hire people overseas because: 1) they also need to speak native level Japanese, 2) need to have degree, and pass 3) license examinations.

If I leave, they will probably lose more than 40 clients because they cannot even talk to them. lol

I learned from my boyfriend about “fuck you money” and I have it because I bought some cryptocurrencies a couple of years ago and it made really good profit which I can sell anytime, and it will make me survive without working for 2 years, maybe more if I live in south east asia.

Now, how can I do my revenge? Should I just tell them I will resign after 1 month? I still have a lot of vacation leaves. So I am thinking of resigning during the busy season, which is already over. I can wait some more until they can feel it better. I guess you can say I want it to really hurt.

I can also just do the minimum work everyday, do things wrong once in a while, because they cannot fire me.

Show me your brilliant minds on how I should make a huge mark to this company and my boss.

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