
Terrible boss, dream job.

Hey everyone, I need some guidance. I just started a new job not even 3 weeks ago and I was SUPER excited since I’m making good money, it’s in my dream field, and I’m going closer towards being able to do my passion. I’ve learned a lot in the short time I’ve been here but I know I haven’t even scratched the surface, everything I’ve learned here is a HUGE step to my future goals in my career and I genuinely enjoy the work that I do. My boss on the other hand is terrible. I’ve never done this type of work before and it definitely challenging but I’m more than willing to learn and grow, I’ve even made some mistakes here but I’m ok with it since it’s part of the learning process. Every little thing incorrectly I do is just pushed down my throat by him and so…

Hey everyone, I need some guidance. I just started a new job not even 3 weeks ago and I was SUPER excited since I’m making good money, it’s in my dream field, and I’m going closer towards being able to do my passion. I’ve learned a lot in the short time I’ve been here but I know I haven’t even scratched the surface, everything I’ve learned here is a HUGE step to my future goals in my career and I genuinely enjoy the work that I do.

My boss on the other hand is terrible. I’ve never done this type of work before and it definitely challenging but I’m more than willing to learn and grow, I’ve even made some mistakes here but I’m ok with it since it’s part of the learning process. Every little thing incorrectly I do is just pushed down my throat by him and so many days I’ve bawled my eyes out otw home thinking I’m not good enough and nothing I do is sufficient. It doesn’t help that I’m (F23) the youngest in my workplace by at LEAST a decade so I feel even more like I don’t belong; the type of work I’m doing now most people don’t do until they’re almost twice my age. Even today when I took a bathroom break I was bawling my eyes out wondering if I’m even fit for this because of all the things he’s said and how he’s made me feel about myself and my goals. It makes me want to switch career fields altogether and abandon all that I’ve worked for over the years even though deep down I know this is what I love.

I’m not sure if this is even the right place to post this but it was the only place I knew. Also I was considering just quitting and switching jobs but the work I do is extremely uncommon in my field and they’re one of the only companies who are doing it, so I might be stuck. Any advice is welcomed, I really love my work but I don’t now how much longer I can deal with my boss.

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