
Under appreciated, over worked. Familiar?

TDLR: Feeling unappreciated in my field, for the work that I do. I’m basically here to rant. Seek advice, or possibly someone with experience like mine. I’m 27, started with a corporate brewery and restaurant last year as their brewer. No experience. No knowledge. I have moved to brewing more, on top of serving and bartending. Pulling full time hours and more when necessary. Beer leaks, impromptu brew days, etc. I have constant communication issues with my managers. They do not listen to me about the brewery. I am the only one who takes care of the brewery. I am the ONLY one who takes our beer deliveries, consistently checks the temps, filter/transfer/carbonate. I even clean the tap lines. The entirety of the brewery and cooler is my responsibility. It took almost a year to get the raise I was told at the start I’d have in “a few months”…

TDLR: Feeling unappreciated in my field, for the work that I do.

I’m basically here to rant. Seek advice, or possibly someone with experience like mine.

I’m 27, started with a corporate brewery and restaurant last year as their brewer. No experience. No knowledge.
I have moved to brewing more, on top of serving and bartending. Pulling full time hours and more when necessary. Beer leaks, impromptu brew days, etc.

I have constant communication issues with my managers. They do not listen to me about the brewery. I am the only one who takes care of the brewery. I am the ONLY one who takes our beer deliveries, consistently checks the temps, filter/transfer/carbonate. I even clean the tap lines. The entirety of the brewery and cooler is my responsibility.

It took almost a year to get the raise I was told at the start I’d have in “a few months”
I am non-binary and have explained my pronouns to my bosses/coworkers and somehow still earned a nickname that is centered around being a man. My regulars love to drag on me for the way I look, while I serve them after busting my ass in the brewery for their fucking beer. This last 4-5 weeks I’ve doubled my time in the brewery to fix the issues that arose recently.
Today (Easter Sunday) I came in before open to fix a leak and get a beer back on tap. Trying to communicate with the manager and keep getting comments like “figure it out. I don’t have time for more fuckin leaky beer” etc. Short and disrespectful.

Coming 2 days after I left during the middle of a rush due to hot flashes/couldn’t leave the bathroom for more than a few minutes.
Since then the GM has been so weird and silent with me. Passive.
Am I wrong to feel the resentment growing at this point?

I’ve had raises held over my head
No help doing a job I’ve never done before with simply 2 days training, a book of instructions, and a brewer to call when I’m having trouble. All while juggling serving and learning how to bartend.

I’m exhausted, I’m hurt that the managers don’t see me as a employee they respect. Not enough to smile when I come in to make his day easier. At the end of the day I make great money compared to other jobs in my past. I’ve learned new skills I’ll be able to take anywhere but I can’t help but feel this place is holding me back mentally and emotionally at this point. Then I pull back, feeling like I’m being dramatic.

Hope someone else can relate. Starting to feel crazy.

I’m sorry if this rant didn’t make sense.

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