
Please tell me I am not alone

I’d like to know if anyone can relate to this. I am currently working in the hotel industry. This is my third hotel job and I have decided to quit this coming Friday. I have left every single one of my previous jobs with a lot of drama. My current job too. It always goes the same: I start to work for a company. I’m excited, I want to prove myself, I work hard. I do that for a couple of months/years, and then something happens, like someone whom I’ve trained gets the promotion I was promised, or I get a shit manager, or they change my schedule or work activities completely so the job doesn’t match my wants and needs anymore. And then I start shitting where I eat. I become rude to managers, get snarky, passive aggressive, I ruin my reputation. Just because I don’t feel valued anymore…

I’d like to know if anyone can relate to this.

I am currently working in the hotel industry. This is my third hotel job and I have decided to quit this coming Friday.

I have left every single one of my previous jobs with a lot of drama. My current job too.

It always goes the same: I start to work for a company. I’m excited, I want to prove myself, I work hard. I do that for a couple of months/years, and then something happens, like someone whom I’ve trained gets the promotion I was promised, or I get a shit manager, or they change my schedule or work activities completely so the job doesn’t match my wants and needs anymore.

And then I start shitting where I eat. I become rude to managers, get snarky, passive aggressive, I ruin my reputation. Just because I don’t feel valued anymore and feel like I’m being treated unfairly.

And I just cannot stop myself. Every day I drive to work, I tell myself “please stay calm today”.
I get to work, get my to do list from my shitty micromanaging manager, see that I wil be cleaning toilets all day again (eventough I’m a supervisor, not a housekeeping girl) and I snap.

I’ve worked for my current company for almost 5 years now, but the situation has become so sour again – I cannot work there anymore. I’m fighting with my new manager daily.

FYI – I work in a country where it is very difficult (and very expensive) to fire someone, so that’s why I never get fired for bad behavior.

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