
I have to tolerate my coworkers insane behavior

Im the youngest (m23) and 1 out of 2 guys in the department. Both of us has thoughts about quitting. These ladys is just mean. dishes out condescending “teasing” but cant take it themselves. Im walking on egg shells here. One of them even told me she would contact our boss about a “fun comment” I made to her “condescending comment” I thought she was joking They talk shit about each other contantly. I hate the company, everbody is allowed to make mistakes but me. Not to mention that ive gotton the most complicated task with no former expirience in the field, I was told this after i took the job. If I make a mistake i will get yelled at by my coworker even if I do the right thing. It has happened Multible times in front of other people. Nobody defended me or talked to me about it.…

Im the youngest (m23) and 1 out of 2 guys in the department.
Both of us has thoughts about quitting. These ladys is just mean. dishes out condescending “teasing” but cant take it themselves. Im walking on egg shells here. One of them even told me she would contact our boss about a “fun comment” I made to her “condescending comment”
I thought she was joking

They talk shit about each other contantly.
I hate the company, everbody is allowed to make mistakes but me. Not to mention that ive gotton the most complicated task with no former expirience in the field, I was told this after i took the job. If I make a mistake i will get yelled at by my coworker even if I do the right thing. It has happened Multible times in front of other people. Nobody defended me or talked to me about it. My coworker excluded me from the rest by talking shit about me and ive been working my ass off not skipped one day + overtime. Still all i get is shit. I told the boss that I was going to quit since the job wasn't at all what he told me. Didnt hear from him, coworkers just started to ask me if I was about to quit, i would prefer talking to me 1-1 in the first place but he instead told my coworkers i was having a hard time. I said at the interview that i dont wanna work close with agressive/angry people all day. He said that people are nice and the lady who is gonna train you is a good Lady. He either lied to my fucking face or dosnt have a clue about who/what he is managing. I was Getting yelled at, blamed for shit i didnt do, getting told i wasnt good at the job. So i asked the manager if we could chat about it. He said she was a “special” Lady, and that I just have to tolerate it. I tolerated it for a good 4 months now and im burned out.

Other coworkers talk shit about me too Like right next to me. I can fucking hear it i think its intentionel now lol. I constantly feel uncomfy and I have hard time talking to anyone or trusting them. It feels like all i say will be used against me or will be misunderstood at some point. If i quit now I dont even wanna find another job. Im now at a point in life where saying fuck it buying a tent and becoming homeless seems like a rational idea. Fuck this highschool shit

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