
If I leave, they lock the doors for good

Yes, you read that correctly. I work for a small Mom and Pop place. Very much family amongst the employees. Absolutely love who I work with. However-the manager is toxic. She yells at whoever, has made our old cook cry. I’ve heard her talk shit on us as if we aren’t there and she has to cover. But dear Lord if she has an appointment, her son pops into town, she doesn’t feel good-we all hear it and are expected to drop everything for her. Yesterday-I didnt feel well. My back was giving me fits again, I usually ignore em, but it hurt. She snapped about condiments and I snapped back. I’ve had enough. Anyways. I snapped. I told her to get off her ass and take over the floor. I am done, fuck you. Grabbed my purse and tips and left. Our cook calls a couple hours later begging…

Yes, you read that correctly.

I work for a small Mom and Pop place. Very much family amongst the employees. Absolutely love who I work with.

However-the manager is toxic. She yells at whoever, has made our old cook cry. I’ve heard her talk shit on us as if we aren’t there and she has to cover. But dear Lord if she has an appointment, her son pops into town, she doesn’t feel good-we all hear it and are expected to drop everything for her.

Yesterday-I didnt feel well. My back was giving me fits again, I usually ignore em, but it hurt. She snapped about condiments and I snapped back. I’ve had enough. Anyways. I snapped. I told her to get off her ass and take over the floor. I am done, fuck you. Grabbed my purse and tips and left.

Our cook calls a couple hours later begging me to come back. If I don’t-she loses her income because they will close the doors for good. They can’t replace me, It would take 2 or 3 girls. She was almost in tears telling me this. Idgaf about flattery-I care she won’t be able to find a job because she’s in her mid70s.
I relented on giving them the fuck off. But I’m not relenting on how we are treated. I will demand an apology for us. All of us. We are a team, a crew, and we deserve respect. Several of us have been thinking of walking out. I just did it.

I’ll walk back in tomorrow and let it be known-I won’t clock in until she apologizes to all of us. If she refuses-I’ll stay gone. They’ll close shop. I won’t feel bad beyond the cook.

Don’t treat people like shit.

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