But I’m still pretty close with a few people that are at this company and was told something pretty fucked up imo.
So, The company was already pretty poorly staffed (due to indescribably bad scheduling) and to prevent the company from having to close a store down for a day it was pretty common for a manager to be there from open to close alone. I found out from one of them that there’s a b.s. policy being implemented.
The new policy is something along the lines of if you’re a manager (could be extended to front end employees too, I’m not sure) you need to pick up your phone at any random point during the day or night (even during your vacation) and they said covid would not be an acceptable excuse to not answering the call. Like, You’re home hacking up a lung or out of town on vacation that you planned months in advance and instead of allowing you to recover or do whatever during your approved vacation – they’re calling you in for up to a 13 hour day or it’s your job on the line.
What the fuck?