
About my schedule…

So I recently began work as a Ground Operations Agent (or Ramp Agent) at the airport, for a company called Trego-Dugan Aviation. I am a Part-time employee, I work 3rd shift (night shift) which is 9pm to 2am. However, due to the arrival times of some planes, I often don't get to clock out until much later, on a busy night, 4 or 5am is not uncommon. I was wondering if this violates some kind of law?

So I recently began work as a Ground Operations Agent (or Ramp Agent) at the airport, for a company called Trego-Dugan Aviation. I am a Part-time employee, I work 3rd shift (night shift) which is 9pm to 2am. However, due to the arrival times of some planes, I often don't get to clock out until much later, on a busy night, 4 or 5am is not uncommon. I was wondering if this violates some kind of law?

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