
Want your workers to be more productive when they’re working remotely? TRUST THEM

My current job is 80% remote, and they're great about it. On my first day I had to be in the office for orientation. I asked if they'd need me to be in the office any other days since I was still training. They said no, and sent me home with a laptop and other electronic equipment worth thousands of dollars. On my first day working remotely I emailed my manager when I signed in, took lunch, and signed out for the day. She said not to worry about letting her know when I start and end for the day, just get the work done. Aside from a meeting or 2 a day I've rarely spoken to her in my time here. And being left on my own and trusted means I get more done and have incentive to want to do well knowing I'm trusted. The reason why this…

My current job is 80% remote, and they're great about it. On my first day I had to be in the office for orientation. I asked if they'd need me to be in the office any other days since I was still training. They said no, and sent me home with a laptop and other electronic equipment worth thousands of dollars.

On my first day working remotely I emailed my manager when I signed in, took lunch, and signed out for the day. She said not to worry about letting her know when I start and end for the day, just get the work done. Aside from a meeting or 2 a day I've rarely spoken to her in my time here. And being left on my own and trusted means I get more done and have incentive to want to do well knowing I'm trusted.

The reason why this is amazing is because my last job did the opposite when I had to work remotely due to personal reasons. I had worked remotely for various jobs over the years and had no issues. My last job was pretty hands-off in the office, so I assume it would be the same when I was remote.

How wrong I was!

The owner of the company made my manager (A very nice and hands-off person) watch me like a hawk. I had to text my manager when I signed in, took lunch, and signed off. At the end of every day I had to send a progress report of my hours and tasks accomplished and CC the owner on it (Even though we had an internal system set up to show the workflow of every project).

But the owner still couldn't help but feel I was somehow stealing from her by not being in the office 40 hours a week, even though I was as productive as always and still producing quality work. Soon she made me count my hours down to the minute. Then she decided I'd be a contract worker and not a full-time employee. Goodbye, steady pay and health benefits!

By this point I was just phoning it in. She was stressing me out and making me want to work for her less and less every day. I ended up spending part of my work days applying to new jobs. This is even more ridiculous because the company had almost 100 employees, yet this was the first time the owner had really noticed me as an employee.

The owner was looking for any reason to get rid of me, and she finally did. Luckily I found my new job and it's panning out way better.

And to think, I'd have been a perfect employee if I hadn't had to work remotely for that one company. But it's 2022, there's NO WAY you can do your job that's 99% on a computer at home. /Sarcasm

EDIT: Oh yeah, I should mention that the owner was barely ever in the office. She got to work from home when she felt like it but no one else could.

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