
so frustrated

i posted here before but basically i was offered a position with 7:30-16:00 hours which i accepted, then they told me that i had to do a “training period” with 13:30-22:00 THE DAY BEFORE said training period started. which i physically can’t do because i share a ride with my wife, and i’d made that clear previously. it’s been a week now since i both left a message and sent an email explaining this, and asking if it could be fixed. then i sent another email to the personnel manager, who forwarded it to the dude responsible for scheduling. i have not turned up, and just waited for a reply. NOTHING. nothing for a whole week. not even a “yea fuck you then, you don’t have a job”. not a fucking bleep. on saturday i sent another email to the scheduling guy and the first person asking what gives, and…

i posted here before but basically i was offered a position with 7:30-16:00 hours which i accepted, then they told me that i had to do a “training period” with 13:30-22:00 THE DAY BEFORE said training period started. which i physically can’t do because i share a ride with my wife, and i’d made that clear previously.

it’s been a week now since i both left a message and sent an email explaining this, and asking if it could be fixed. then i sent another email to the personnel manager, who forwarded it to the dude responsible for scheduling. i have not turned up, and just waited for a reply.

NOTHING. nothing for a whole week. not even a “yea fuck you then, you don’t have a job”. not a fucking bleep. on saturday i sent another email to the scheduling guy and the first person asking what gives, and still nothing. not even a reply to what i’m supposed to do with the name badge i was issued, which could be a security risk and should be returned.

i’m sitting here trying to start applying for jobs again and i just feel so tired. why the fuck do they treat us like this?

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