
I don’t need that kind of toxic positivity in my life…

I work in the insurance industry… definitely everything I aspired to be doing with my life, and not depressing at all. I have a work colleague, who we will call Debbie. She is a genuinely lovely person. But overly happy people rub me up the wrong way. Maybe it makes me more aware of my own deep despair and frustration, but yesterday Debbie said something that made me almost die of cringe… ‘I don’t wake up and think I’m coming to work. I think I’m coming to see my friends and have fun’. Almost vomited right then and there, but in reality I – of course – nodded as if I could even somewhat empathise with her artificial bubble of bullshit. I wish I could be one of these people. It was like listening to Tony Robbins or one of those American self help gurus. I cannot be happy for…

I work in the insurance industry… definitely everything I aspired to be doing with my life, and not depressing at all.

I have a work colleague, who we will call Debbie. She is a genuinely lovely person. But overly happy people rub me up the wrong way. Maybe it makes me more aware of my own deep despair and frustration, but yesterday Debbie said something that made me almost die of cringe…

‘I don’t wake up and think I’m coming to work. I think I’m coming to see my friends and have fun’.

Almost vomited right then and there, but in reality I – of course – nodded as if I could even somewhat empathise with her artificial bubble of bullshit. I wish I could be one of these people. It was like listening to Tony Robbins or one of those American self help gurus. I cannot be happy for happy’s sake. Give me a bloody reason to smile.

I think I need to change my career.

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