
Finally went to HR – formal investigations

Hello I am looking for some advice and maybe general comfort. TLDR – I have formal hr investigation and have been advised to bring a support person. I initiated the complaint, boss does not yet know but will soon after some months. What does this mean? What can a support person do? Any advice on how to remain composed during a scary process even tho i’m in the right? I work for a multinational company in tas but I am Japanese born. I am a 42year old woman in a highly specialised and overworked position. My manager their PA and their manager has over the last several years bullied me, made me feel unsafe, stolen my work, trapped me in calls or rooms where I am not given a chance to speak. But I am good at my job. I have never had an issue with anyone like this person…

Hello I am looking for some advice and maybe general comfort.

TLDR – I have formal hr investigation and have been advised to bring a support person. I initiated the complaint, boss does not yet know but will soon after some months. What does this mean? What can a support person do? Any advice on how to remain composed during a scary process even tho i’m in the right?

I work for a multinational company in tas but I am Japanese born. I am a 42year old woman in a highly specialised and overworked position. My manager their PA and their manager has over the last several years bullied me, made me feel unsafe, stolen my work, trapped me in calls or rooms where I am not given a chance to speak.

But I am good at my job. I have never had an issue with anyone like this person in a work setting. They basically love bomb me after they’ve gone off on me, act super friendly in chat and try to deformalise any communications I try to keep formal. This behaviour is most prominent with me but also caries to the other women in the team and he has history of sweeping his actions under the rug or having his PA fix it. After a meeting where I was accused of threatening and dictating the team for my own devices – because I asked for help in his absence. I was not given time to speak or ask questions. I was told it was my first and final warning with notice (I don’t know what this is, it’s been a month and a half and nothing has happened) and without clarification hung up – I placed a formal report

I have no question how I have been treated is going to be reflected by the rest of the team and external teams. I am not afraid of my testimony. Or the evidence. All I seek is a manger who is proud of the work we do and wants everyone to keep to that standard rather than just a few of us. Maybe a sorry for screaming at you.

Any advise would help as i have not ever been in this situation in my whole career

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