
Company is forcing us to attend a 7 hour long “team building educational event” on a Sunday (our only free day)

So, we just received a message from our boss saying that every single employee has to attend this event or else they will get fired. I, as well as most of the other employees have a problem with this because who wants to spend 7 hours of their only free day somewhere related to work? Also, those who will not come are getting fired?? I would understand if this educational event was for someone who works a serious job that actually requires training and further education etc. but we are literally minimum wage workers at a chain of supplement stores (which we have received a training for) this “educational team building event” is for some makeup that will be sold in the stores soon. I think it’s just makeup and I don’t need specific training to tell what color which lipstick is, nor will a customer require me to know…

So, we just received a message from our boss saying that every single employee has to attend this event or else they will get fired. I, as well as most of the other employees have a problem with this because who wants to spend 7 hours of their only free day somewhere related to work? Also, those who will not come are getting fired??
I would understand if this educational event was for someone who works a serious job that actually requires training and further education etc. but we are literally minimum wage workers at a chain of supplement stores (which we have received a training for) this “educational team building event” is for some makeup that will be sold in the stores soon. I think it’s just makeup and I don’t need specific training to tell what color which lipstick is, nor will a customer require me to know everything. I think it’s enough to know about the ingredients of the makeup.
Also, this is a temporary job for me which I will quit in summer and also I am a college student who has an important exam literally the day after this event. How will I study during my ONLY free day of the week if I have to attend work stuff?
How do I proceed with my boss?

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