
Our company added a inflation surcharge on all orders

Instead of waiting until the end of year where they will increase the prices again anyway, they now want to add a extra 4% surcharge on all orders to “tackle inflation”. Not only is this an insane amount of extra work for us because all prices have to be updated in our system. We also have to explain our customers why there are now extra costs on their bills. And obviously the company won't forward these extra $ to the employees. They're gonna pocket it themselves. After all we workers aren't affected by inflation. /s

Instead of waiting until the end of year where they will increase the prices again anyway, they now want to add a extra 4% surcharge on all orders to “tackle inflation”.

Not only is this an insane amount of extra work for us because all prices have to be updated in our system. We also have to explain our customers why there are now extra costs on their bills.

And obviously the company won't forward these extra $ to the employees. They're gonna pocket it themselves.
After all we workers aren't affected by inflation. /s

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