
Work reduces my hours with 3 days notice.

My work has been extremely busy due to lack of staff (covid went all through the office, but we were understaffed and overworked before that). In response to this management have decided to reduce our business hours, because we don’t have the staff needed to man the phone lines during our current open hours. The thing is, we don’t just answer calls we have heaps of work we have to do in-between calls that we haven’t been able to do because of the volume of calls. Instead of reducing the hours of the phone service so we can catch up on work, they have decided to reduce business hours, meaning we will still get the same volume of calls once the customers get used to the new hours, but less hours to do all the other work. To add to that, we are not allowed to do overtime. So we…

My work has been extremely busy due to lack of staff (covid went all through the office, but we were understaffed and overworked before that).

In response to this management have decided to reduce our business hours, because we don’t have the staff needed to man the phone lines during our current open hours.

The thing is, we don’t just answer calls we have heaps of work we have to do in-between calls that we haven’t been able to do because of the volume of calls.

Instead of reducing the hours of the phone service so we can catch up on work, they have decided to reduce business hours, meaning we will still get the same volume of calls once the customers get used to the new hours, but less hours to do all the other work.

To add to that, we are not allowed to do overtime. So we have to work at a breakneck pace to get it all done.

The real kicker though is that I was barely surviving on my wage and now I’ll be getting much less. I cannot afford to live now. I might have to resort to charity for food.

I have been thinking about whether I want to stay or move on and I think they have just made the decision for me.

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