
Would you intervene as a customer if you saw a middle manager treating staff like crap

In a fast food restaurant. A clearly new member of staff where English isn’t their first language is making a mistake. Not sure what but the middle manager is speaking to him like literal crap, everyone in here can see and I feel so sorry for him! A part of me wants to complain to the higher up manager about how the middle manager made me feel as a customer and stand up for the new lad. But I don’t want to be a Karen…and this is a Karen move!! WhT would you do?

In a fast food restaurant. A clearly new member of staff where English isn’t their first language is making a mistake. Not sure what but the middle manager is speaking to him like literal crap, everyone in here can see and I feel so sorry for him! A part of me wants to complain to the higher up manager about how the middle manager made me feel as a customer and stand up for the new lad. But I don’t want to be a Karen…and this is a Karen move!! WhT would you do?

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