
Tone deaf, irritating coworkers/managers

Are the fucking worst. I had to go to a forced team building lunch for admin professionals day. I haven’t even been here 3 months and already dread this stuff because one I hate things like this but then it makes it worse when you genuinely can’t stand your coworkers. They are a bunch of shallow women (I’m a woman) who are also tone deaf who I have nothing in common with. Plus being an introvert having to fake a smile and socialize and pretend I like them for TWO HOURS sucks. Anyway they constantly say shit that gets on my nerves but I usually zip my lips because I’m afraid to express an opposing opinion being new. The VP (my bosses boss) was complaining with the HR manager about California how overcrowded it is, etc. and then said something along the lines of “Oh and I’d hate working there…

Are the fucking worst. I had to go to a forced team building lunch for admin professionals day. I haven’t even been here 3 months and already dread this stuff because one I hate things like this but then it makes it worse when you genuinely can’t stand your coworkers. They are a bunch of shallow women (I’m a woman) who are also tone deaf who I have nothing in common with. Plus being an introvert having to fake a smile and socialize and pretend I like them for TWO HOURS sucks.

Anyway they constantly say shit that gets on my nerves but I usually zip my lips because I’m afraid to express an opposing opinion being new. The VP (my bosses boss) was complaining with the HR manager about California how overcrowded it is, etc. and then said something along the lines of “Oh and I’d hate working there because of all their employment laws. They have something where if you work over 8 hours it’s overtime? Pffft.” HR manager nodding in agreement. Like lady these laws benefit and protect you, you’re not a CEO, why do you care? It appears California is one of the few states that has laws to protect workers unlike the majority of states (especially where I am) so it’s hysterical to see them whining about how much better employees have it over there as if it’s a bad thing when they’re the people the laws are protecting and benefitting. Like oh so they don’t treat their employees like slaves with no rights who have to sue? Boo fucking hoo.

These are the kind of people who pretend to be so progressive and forward but when it comes down to it they’re really just close minded and stuck in their little bubbles.

Hey K, I get you’re a VP probably making six figures with a nice house in the suburbs but some of us barely make it and struggle with restrictive laws and barely any PTO so these laws are great for us (and for you) but maybe if you had it bad enough you’d change your privileged perspective. I’m sure if I actually told these people how I really felt one day they’d drop their jaws because sweet little Throwitaway actually has strong opinions and isn’t just a nice, sweet, young girl.

But this is the same 40 something woman who said she couldn’t understand why boys are meaner than girls. Can’t argue with stupid. I’m astonished how people like this rise that high. Nepotism wins I guess. Sorry if this sounds bitter but good grief I had to talk about it with someone who gets it.

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