
I get a fury in my soul when i see my ads from my past job

Pretty much the title. I worked for a job for 3 years and made (i did the video editing, copy, CTAs, everything) for a bunch of ads for a smallish company (that performed extremely well) that they are still running. Obviously, thats fine and allowed, just feels bad. They treated me like shit and whenever i see them on the internet i feel super angry. Hope this is a thread where we can commiserate on old jobs coming up in our lives and letting out some anger. Not in a negative way, but in a positive one so we can move on to bigger and better things. Xx

Pretty much the title. I worked for a job for 3 years and made (i did the video editing, copy, CTAs, everything) for a bunch of ads for a smallish company (that performed extremely well) that they are still running. Obviously, thats fine and allowed, just feels bad. They treated me like shit and whenever i see them on the internet i feel super angry. Hope this is a thread where we can commiserate on old jobs coming up in our lives and letting out some anger. Not in a negative way, but in a positive one so we can move on to bigger and better things. Xx

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