
Mandatory Return To Office

I work for a large tech company in the US. This info was just relayed from upper management stating (I work on the facilities team), “by early next week, an email will be going out stating that all employees must return to the office, if they’re in close proximity to the office space.” The company is removing their “swap to remote” policies and are making everyone return. God this company and the CEO are so tone deaf. Either everyone is going to quit, or everyone is going to complain so that the rules change. This should be fun!

I work for a large tech company in the US. This info was just relayed from upper management stating (I work on the facilities team), “by early next week, an email will be going out stating that all employees must return to the office, if they’re in close proximity to the office space.” The company is removing their “swap to remote” policies and are making everyone return.
God this company and the CEO are so tone deaf. Either everyone is going to quit, or everyone is going to complain so that the rules change. This should be fun!

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