
My mom was just reprimanded by her manager

My mom hurt her foot a couple weeks ago, and wasnt able to get into the doctor until today. In the meantime, she told her coworkers and her manager that she's sorry if she's a little slow but she's trying, explained the whole injury and nobody really said anything. A week or so later, her manager brought her in, and told her she is receiving a written reprimand for “purposely working at a slow pace”. Today she finally got to the doctor, and it turns out she broke a bone in her foot. Came back into her work with a boot on, and the manager was flabbergasted. They actually thought she was purposely being slow to fuck them over…

My mom hurt her foot a couple weeks ago, and wasnt able to get into the doctor until today. In the meantime, she told her coworkers and her manager that she's sorry if she's a little slow but she's trying, explained the whole injury and nobody really said anything. A week or so later, her manager brought her in, and told her she is receiving a written reprimand for “purposely working at a slow pace”.

Today she finally got to the doctor, and it turns out she broke a bone in her foot.

Came back into her work with a boot on, and the manager was flabbergasted.

They actually thought she was purposely being slow to fuck them over…

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