
Update-My boss won’t let me wear my mask above my chin because it makes me look sick

I have an update. Since that day, it went from not being allowed to wear it above my chin to not being allowed to wear it at all. Well, I have a coworker who is perfectly fine with me wearing my mask, so I wore it today. Unfortunately, my boss came in and saw me with the mask on. She kept telling me to take it off. I refused. So now she's going to write me up because of it. She said when she comes in tomorrow it (the mask) better be off. It won't be. I'm standing my damn ground this time. If she's going to fire me over a mask, then so be it. It's my job or my health, and I will choose my health any day. There are a couple other jobs in my hometown, and while they don't pay as much, I'm sure they won't…

I have an update.

Since that day, it went from not being allowed to wear it above my chin to not being allowed to wear it at all.

Well, I have a coworker who is perfectly fine with me wearing my mask, so I wore it today. Unfortunately, my boss came in and saw me with the mask on.

She kept telling me to take it off. I refused.

So now she's going to write me up because of it.

She said when she comes in tomorrow it (the mask) better be off. It won't be.

I'm standing my damn ground this time.

If she's going to fire me over a mask, then so be it.

It's my job or my health, and I will choose my health any day.

There are a couple other jobs in my hometown, and while they don't pay as much, I'm sure they won't mind me wearing a mask.

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