
“He’s expecting too much money at this point in his career.”

My boomer boss told my colleague that I should be patient for more money. She also told me what she made 12 years ago when she started and was too dumb to realize she was making way more than me after factoring in inflation. She hired three people after me making 30% more than me and made me train them all. BuT ThEY HavE MoRe ExPErIeNcE tHaN YOu! Well then why the fuck did I need to train them if they are so fucking experienced. Fuck your 10% raise…it’s a slap in the face considering inflation. Got offered 5 jobs within a month. New job next week. 40% salary increase 80% work from home. Bye bye. I’m job hopping the rest of my life. I’m loyal to money now.

My boomer boss told my colleague that I should be patient for more money. She also told me what she made 12 years ago when she started and was too dumb to realize she was making way more than me after factoring in inflation.

She hired three people after me making 30% more than me and made me train them all. BuT ThEY HavE MoRe ExPErIeNcE tHaN YOu! Well then why the fuck did I need to train them if they are so fucking experienced. Fuck your 10% raise…it’s a slap in the face considering inflation. Got offered 5 jobs within a month. New job next week. 40% salary increase 80% work from home. Bye bye.

I’m job hopping the rest of my life. I’m loyal to money now.

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