Basically what the title says- a coworker of mine who has been at my place of work for about a year, was complaining to me (an employee of 2 years) that a different coworker of about 6months got a raise. So I was speaking with her, purposely knowing that my manager was in earshot. I told my coworker my pay rate and mentioned that I’m going to ask for a raise at the beginning of my next year (August) and if they don’t give me what I’m asking, I’m out. (I gave this coworker the whole spiel about how 7% is cost of living, so if they don’t at least match that then in reality, they’re giving a pay cut).
My manager then came over and asked what we were talking about, and so I told her. (I get along very well with my manager, but she’s young and semi-naive so she’s got corporate up her ass.) She asked how much I make, I told her how much, and she was like well that’s not right, that’s less than I expected you to say. And said that she would personally fix it herself, and it would show up in my next check.
If it had not been for this sub, for helping me to advocate for myself, for helping me to understanding my rights as a worker, to further help me understand my worth, I would have never even had that conversation with my coworker. Since joining this sub, I encourage others to be more mindful of their rights and not let corporations get the best of us, they already take enough as it is. I try to encourage my coworkers to say “no” to bosses, to talk about wages, to not go above and beyond, because when it comes down to it, the company’s bottom line adds nothing to my paycheck.
So thank you all, and maybe I can help encourage someone in the way you have all encouraged me.