
Rant about the suggestion workers taking less risks compared to CEOs used frequently by capitalist fandom

Recently read a post criticizing an Amazon walkout that claimed workers deserved to be underpaid because CEOs took risks workers didn't to build the company. So if Amazon tanked in it's early days, Jeff Bezos would have had to go on unemployment like everyone else? The additional risk would have been some additional debt one could just file bankruptcy for. Capitalist fandom seemed to be obsessed with this notion of CEO superiority because they “take risks” oblivious to the fact workers take risks CEOs never have. Case in point – the worker who was below the poverty line on food stamps and government assistance before they took a job. They lose these benefits once they get past a certain income threshold. They literally risk not eating and being homeless to work. Often, people like this take these jobs to support their families because the benefits are not enough anymore. Sometimes…

Recently read a post criticizing an Amazon walkout that claimed workers deserved to be underpaid because CEOs took risks workers didn't to build the company.

So if Amazon tanked in it's early days, Jeff Bezos would have had to go on unemployment like everyone else?

The additional risk would have been some additional debt one could just file bankruptcy for.

Capitalist fandom seemed to be obsessed with this notion of CEO superiority because they “take risks” oblivious to the fact workers take risks CEOs never have.

Case in point – the worker who was below the poverty line on food stamps and government assistance before they took a job.

They lose these benefits once they get past a certain income threshold. They literally risk not eating and being homeless to work. Often, people like this take these jobs to support their families because the benefits are not enough anymore. Sometimes they just want a better quality of life by being more than just barely above the poverty line. If they lose their job, they very well could not eat or be on the street.

Unemployment for a job that pays more than food stamps and welfare is less than food stamps and welfare often times and only lasts 6 months in most states. It takes months to get back on food stamps/welfare. It can take months to get unemployment and if the state determined you caused your firing, then you're shit out of luck.

Where is the fervent admiration for workers taking the risk of not eating and being on the street? Compared to being in debt that can easily be dismissed, these workers transitioning off benefits are taking bigger risks than Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg have or ever will.

Where is their fandom?

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