
Can’t wear a jacket at the host stand

Past few weeks I've been wearing a hoodie all day, in full view of every other manager, but today I was told by the gm that I couldn't wear a jacket despite me being perpetually cold even in 80F heat. His solution was to turn up the heat by 2F and I'm still frigid, everyone else is starting to sweat. I have chronically low blood pressure and anemia so I'm always cold, my nails are never not violet. How legal is it for them to deny me wearing a jacket that has no print on it of any kind? Note: they do have branded jackets but when I asked about one I was told they were only for people working to go.

Past few weeks I've been wearing a hoodie all day, in full view of every other manager, but today I was told by the gm that I couldn't wear a jacket despite me being perpetually cold even in 80F heat. His solution was to turn up the heat by 2F and I'm still frigid, everyone else is starting to sweat. I have chronically low blood pressure and anemia so I'm always cold, my nails are never not violet. How legal is it for them to deny me wearing a jacket that has no print on it of any kind? Note: they do have branded jackets but when I asked about one I was told they were only for people working to go.

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