
Antiwork Family of the US – A call to arms

(TLDR in bold) A bit about me: I have been antiwork since before I knew it was a thing. I worked at America’s largest tax preparer’s HQ for 6 years. I quit nearly 5 years ago when they had their best year in 20 years, and gave me a 1% raise, and less than half of my maximum bonus. I had had 4 different VPs in the 1.5 years in my IT position, and was told by my manager that because I do a lot of work outside the traditional “Business Analyst” role, that the people that make those decisions didn’t see my work as much. I told them I quit in July, and that I would stay to train someone. My last day was in October. I worked from home half days during that time, and did as little as possible. While that is enough to quit alone. Let…

(TLDR in bold)

A bit about me:

I have been antiwork since before I knew it was a thing. I worked at America’s largest tax preparer’s HQ for 6 years. I quit nearly 5 years ago when they had their best year in 20 years, and gave me a 1% raise, and less than half of my maximum bonus. I had had 4 different VPs in the 1.5 years in my IT position, and was told by my manager that because I do a lot of work outside the traditional “Business Analyst” role, that the people that make those decisions didn’t see my work as much. I told them I quit in July, and that I would stay to train someone. My last day was in October. I worked from home half days during that time, and did as little as possible.

While that is enough to quit alone. Let me tell you about a single tax loophole that they employ to pay 0 taxes on any money made from doing tax returns.

If you have a product that runs on code, and you store that code on a server in Dublin – using that code to sell a service makes that service a product of Ireland, and subject to their 0 corporate tax laws. (The world of tax loopholes is ever changing, and while I have not done research to see if this hole is closed, if it is they have simply found/made another. There are other steps involved, but when you have money the number of steps is irrelevant)

Any large corporation employs any loopholes they can, not all of them can get down to 0 like Amazon, but all of them in no way pay their fair share. Period.

With the recent event around Roe V Wade I have felt compelled to tell this story, and give every American this call to arms:

No taxation without representation. This is what they founded the US on. If you are a woman, or a friend of women, and are still a W2’d employee:

Edit your W4 to exempt status, and stop giving the government your money. You are not represented in the US government. The US oligarchs, and their corporations are the only ones represented by the US government.

It will take years for the IRS to attempt to go after you for tax evasion. Which this isn’t, this is a form of protest because your rights are being taken away. Let alone if millions of people do this. Letting your employer send that money to the government is your choice!

Proof of this:

It was common to edit your W4 when I was employed at the above corporation, a couple times I forgot to change it back, and when I quit I owe ~10k to the government.They send letters. That’s it.

We can stop giving them our money. Please share this call to arms, please fight for your rights, please fight for our future.

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