
Decided to leave when my manager said “you’ve survived here longer than anyone else”

I work at a pretty large company that has a really good reputation in the city I live in. To note, this company had been around 30 years yet there was no one in my department that had been there more than 7 years. Besides management, I was the most senior member at just over 4 years. Things really took a turn when I got a new manager mid last year. I was not particularly thrilled about this as I knew the person and they are an extreme micromanager. Anyways, starting in October 2021 here are the events that happened in order. I got a proformance bonus and was selected to train a new team member. They promoted someone who had only been on the team a year and happened to be my managers friend to team lead. I had a huge system issue that almost prevented me from completing…

I work at a pretty large company that has a really good reputation in the city I live in. To note, this company had been around 30 years yet there was no one in my department that had been there more than 7 years. Besides management, I was the most senior member at just over 4 years.

Things really took a turn when I got a new manager mid last year. I was not particularly thrilled about this as I knew the person and they are an extreme micromanager.

Anyways, starting in October 2021 here are the events that happened in order.

I got a proformance bonus and was selected to train a new team member.

They promoted someone who had only been on the team a year and happened to be my managers friend to team lead.

I had a huge system issue that almost prevented me from completing a project on time. IS had to fix it and there was literally nothing I could do. I worked until midnight to get it done. The next day I got called to a meeting where they said that my performance was unacceptable and if i had done it sooner it wouldn't have been so close. Note, this thing would normally take a hour at most but took over 12 because of unfixable system errors. I was devastated. They informed me that because of this I now needed to send daily lists of everything I did every day to management team.

I got another spot bonus.

I did the daily updates every day for a month with no feedback. A number got transposed in something I was working on and a different department let me and my manager know. I immediately fixed it. Then, I get get called into another meeting where my manager said they are considering putting me on a personal improvement plan. They went on to say that they didn't want me to think I was doing a bad job and how I'm the most knowledgeable and valuable member of the team and have SURVIVED here longer than anyone one else.

I immediately started looking for a new job that day. Their expectations were for me to survive. Not be successful or thrive. Just survive and deal with their mixed signals? No thanks.

I got a job with a more than 50% raise.

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