
a serious question about the hypocrisy of U.S work culture….

For starters, I've been in the military, a bartender, and working on a CDL. I've also ran small businesses as my own boss as my job trajectory has never seen eye to eye with standard americano work culture, and what blows my mind is how we, U.S.ians, are hypocritical as hell when it comes to our work culture. Big business owners lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead. They will say they want workers whom embody their ethics, but as soon as a worker demands a raise, wants a promotion, or does something which isnt to the company's immediate benefit, bosses lose their shit. I once heard Mark Cuban chastize a Shark Tank contestant over them “stealing” their boss's clients by saying that he couldnt risk going into business with the contestant for fear of the same thing; when in reality, that is exactly what Marky did to his first…

For starters, I've been in the military, a bartender, and working on a CDL. I've also ran small businesses as my own boss as my job trajectory has never seen eye to eye with standard americano work culture, and what blows my mind is how we, U.S.ians, are hypocritical as hell when it comes to our work culture. Big business owners lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead. They will say they want workers whom embody their ethics, but as soon as a worker demands a raise, wants a promotion, or does something which isnt to the company's immediate benefit, bosses lose their shit. I once heard Mark Cuban chastize a Shark Tank contestant over them “stealing” their boss's clients by saying that he couldnt risk going into business with the contestant for fear of the same thing; when in reality, that is exactly what Marky did to his first major employer in the early nineties. The shits at the top are always bitchy when their own practices are preached. Why is that? Instilling loyalty is a hell of a lot better than creating a competitor, imo. Shit, at least respect game running against game. I cant wait til this shit system is fully separated at the seams, and these acinine company bloat masters find themselves without a sea of slaves.

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