
Just need to vent for a second

Plz delete if not allowed. I work for the state I live in. I got hired last summer. In 2020, they had worked out a contract to telecommute because of Covid. We’ve been required to come in the office 2 days a week, then WFH the rest. I love this set up. I love being able to be home and not stuck in an office 5 days/40 hours a week. I love being able to open my house up and enjoy fresh air without being cooped up. I love being able to work anywhere I want. The contract is up at the end of June. A lot of people in the office believe the agreement to telecommute won’t be renewed and we’ll be required to come back in the office full time. I’m dreading this. I love my job, but I don’t want to come here every single day. Besides…

Plz delete if not allowed.

I work for the state I live in. I got hired last summer. In 2020, they had worked out a contract to telecommute because of Covid. We’ve been required to come in the office 2 days a week, then WFH the rest.

I love this set up. I love being able to be home and not stuck in an office 5 days/40 hours a week. I love being able to open my house up and enjoy fresh air without being cooped up. I love being able to work anywhere I want.

The contract is up at the end of June. A lot of people in the office believe the agreement to telecommute won’t be renewed and we’ll be required to come back in the office full time.

I’m dreading this. I love my job, but I don’t want to come here every single day. Besides the fact that it’s 30-45 min away (depending on traffic, I know it’s that bad but the way gas prices are set up…), I just don’t want to waste my life away in an office.

They’ve had this set up for 2 years now and it’s been successful. Why change it?The type of work I do was not really meant to be a remote job but obviously it most certainly can be. If the job can be done from home, why not let us? Why force people to come in if they technically don’t need to?

Another thing that annoys me is that they probably won’t allow us to telecommute anymore because there are people who don’t do their job at home. So it’s unfair to those of us who actually do work. People who can’t be bothered to simply return phone calls are potentially going to ruin it for all of us.

I know this is all first world problems and not that big of a deal. It’s just, if there’s anything Covid taught me, it’s that there is more to life than wasting it away, stuck in an office until we die. I’m hoping they will continue to let telecommuting be an option but I’m not holding my breath.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!

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