
Got fired(?) for putting in a two and a half week notice

So, I got my new job and start at the beginning of next month. I put in my notice yesterday morning (around 7:45a). My notice is literally 2.5 weeks. Boss gets in, sees it, and then she disappears for 45 minutes — along with another supervisor and two team leaders. No, not sketch AF at all… and everyone comes back and I get an email acknowledging my notice. And it was a very generic notice. Nothing bad. But, no one would fucking look me in the eye or talk to me the rest of the day. So, 4:30 rolls around and I get called into HR. Because I'm not an idiot and Georgia is a one party consent state, I turn on my voice recorder and put my phone in my back pocket. Get to HR and essentially bc I put in notice they are like…. well hey, since you…

So, I got my new job and start at the beginning of next month. I put in my notice yesterday morning (around 7:45a). My notice is literally 2.5 weeks. Boss gets in, sees it, and then she disappears for 45 minutes — along with another supervisor and two team leaders.

No, not sketch AF at all… and everyone comes back and I get an email acknowledging my notice. And it was a very generic notice. Nothing bad. But, no one would fucking look me in the eye or talk to me the rest of the day.

So, 4:30 rolls around and I get called into HR. Because I'm not an idiot and Georgia is a one party consent state, I turn on my voice recorder and put my phone in my back pocket.

Get to HR and essentially bc I put in notice they are like…. well hey, since you are planning on leaving we packed all your stuff for you and you are getting escorted out the building. All good vibes and we will give you a good reference though!

So, now I'm a lady of leisure for the next 28 days with the plans of doing a lot of laundry, some warhammer 40k painting commissions, and filing for MOTHER FUCKING unemployment.

Cheat me out of 2.5 weeks of pay, skeevy motherfuckers….

And what gets me is I worked in a department of 14, doing something with a very unique skill set — processing life insurance claims. Like talking to someone who just had someone die and giving them money for it (idk if this outs me. I'm at a new level of not giving a fuck). Also, reviewing medical records for contrstable life insurance claims.

Like this isn't something Joe Blow can walk off the streets and be able to do.

Out of 14 people, 3 supervisors, 1 admin asst, and 10 analysts, they are down 4 (now 5 analysts — and three of them quit without notice in the last 3 weeks) and a supervisor. The definition of short staffed and then they want to pull this shit.

But “we're faaaaaaamily”… until you put in notice then you are dead to us.

So yeah…. I'm filing for unemployment this morning. I want my 2.5 weeks of money.

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