
Poor countries and remote working

I am a programmer but I think this situation can apply to any job that can be done remotely. This is my situation and the same of all of my colleages: The economical situation of my country is worse than others where the salaries for my job are much higher like the States, Australia, UK, Canada… Companies from those countries are hiring remote employees from my country and others with similar or lower economical situations. They take advantage and hire us to make exactly the same job the employees from their countries are making but for a cheaper price. And I am talking about big corporations making billions and paying us as low as they can. We take this jobs, because even with that, we are getting paid more than we could ever get with the local jobs. I think this is damaging the whole sector, they are playing us…

I am a programmer but I think this situation can apply to any job that can be done remotely.

This is my situation and the same of all of my colleages:
The economical situation of my country is worse than others where the salaries for my job are much higher like the States, Australia, UK, Canada… Companies from those countries are hiring remote employees from my country and others with similar or lower economical situations.

They take advantage and hire us to make exactly the same job the employees from their countries are making but for a cheaper price. And I am talking about big corporations making billions and paying us as low as they can.

We take this jobs, because even with that, we are getting paid more than we could ever get with the local jobs. I think this is damaging the whole sector, they are playing us the workers in low salary countries and the workers in high salary countries are getting into an unfair competition.

I would understand that a remote worker makes less but I am talking about cutting the salary in half or even less, and I think if we all the employees in my sector located in poor countries united we could stand up and higher up our salaries to something that is fair. We shouldn't think “this is a good salary for where I live”, we should think “how much is my work generating to this company and how much are they paying me” instead.

But I don't even know how to start or if it already exists an initiative like that.

Any thoughts or ideas about this? Anyone else is realizing about this situation?

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